+65 6356 8391
Mon - Fri 0900 - 1800
Lasting Power Of Attorney & Other Services

Lasting Power of Attorney (“LPA”)

It is a document by which you appoint one or more persons (known as Donee), you trust to take care of you and your property and affairs when you are mentally unsound, for example, when you are in a coma or when you suffer from dementia.

The Donee must consent to the LPA, and it must be registered with the Office of Public Guardian to be effective. It takes effect when you lose your mental capacity and lasts until you recover your mental capacity or pass away.

Power of Attorney (“POA”)

A POA can be used for various purposes and is a document by which you appoint someone you trust (known as attorney) to act on your behalf when you are not able to do so physically, for example, because you are overseas or ill.

We have served many clients in preparing POA’s for property transactions, whether for sales, purchases or rentals.

It must be registered with the Supreme Court and will remain valid until the transaction for which it is given is completed, until you revoke it or until it expires as provided in the POA.

Notary Public (“NP”)

Many clients have sought our notarial services for documents to be signed in Singapore and used overseas. The NP will verify your identity, witness your signature on the document, and notarise it with a notary certificate obtained from the Singapore Academy of Law (SAL). After it is notarised, the document must be sent to the Singapore Academy of Law (SAL) for legalisation. For most countries, except for China and Vietnam, the legalisation by Singapore Academy of Law (SAL) should suffice. For documents to be used in China and Vietnam, it must be sent to their respective embassies in Singapore for indorsement.

Commissioner for Oaths

For documents to be signed and used in Singapore you will require the services of a Commissioner for Oaths. The Commissioner will verify your identity and witness your signature on the documents. He will then sign the document and indorse it with his stamp.

Certifying True Copy

You may be required to get a copy of a document to be certified as true copy by a Notary Public (if document/s is sent overseas) or by a Commissioner for Oaths or Advocate and Solicitor (if document/s is used in Singapore). The Notary, Commissioner or Advocate will verify the copy against the original document and then certify it as a true copy of the original document.

Deed Poll

You will need a Deed Poll if you want to change your name or the name of your child. You must indicate by what name you wish you or your child to be called. After verifying your identity or the child’s identity, the lawyer will draft the Deed Poll. If the child is below 21, it is best that both parents sign the Deed Poll, even if they are divorced. Otherwise, the ICA will not accept the Deed Poll. After the Deed Poll is endorsed by the lawyer, you have to take it to the ICA to change your identity card or passport.


1. What if no LPA was made and a person loses his mental capacity and needs someone to manage his affairs e.g. sale of property?

In the event you lose your mental capacity and did not make a Lasting Power of Attorney (“LPA”), your family members must apply for a Deputyship Order. For more information go to subttlaw.com/deputyship
